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Uranium Prices - Weekly Uranium Spot Price Indicator

The Weekly Uranium Spot Price Indicator is TradeTech’s judgment of the price at which spot transactions for significant quantities of natural uranium concentrates could be concluded as of the end of each Friday.

Provided in TradeTech’s weekly Nuclear Market Review since March 8, 1996, the Weekly Uranium Spot Price Indicator is based on:

• data from recently completed transactions;
• data from pending transactions; 
• firm bids to buy or borrow, and firm offers to sell or lend; and 
• prices purchasers have expressed a willingness to pay, but for which we are not aware of firm bids to buy; and prices sellers have expressed a willingness to accept, but for which we are not aware of firm offers to sell.

In the determination of the Weekly Uranium Spot Price Indicator, we do not consider: 
• prices associated with deliveries under old or renegotiated contracts, or other than arm’s-length transactions; 
• charges for transportation other than that customarily provided by suppliers; and 
• prices of services or materials delivered under long-term contracts with primary suppliers.